Back to school for children with PDA … five years on
by Dr Judy Eaton24/09/2021 Autism, Blog, Child and Young Person, Parenting related, PDA, Teaching related0 comments
Article Updated – September 2022
Since this article was first written in 2017 we have published two journal articles related to PDA.
The first is titled “Modification of the Coventry Grid Interview (Flackhill et al, 2017) to include the Pathological Demand Avoidant profile”
The second is titled “An exploration of the Pathological (or Extreme) Demand Avoidant profile in...Learn More
Autism, anxiety and the impact upon parents … four years on
by Dr Judy Eaton16/09/2021 Anxiety, Autism, Blog, Child and Young Person, Parenting related, PDA0 comments
This article is an update of our original article written in 2017 – long before we, and our children, were faced with the prospect of COVID 19 and the associated disruptions to school and everyday life. I am talking about about Autism and anxiety, an issue which has taken on a new meaning in the last eighteen months. Previous research suggested that up to 85% of autistic individuals will...Learn More
PDA Research News
by Dr Judy Eaton21/11/2020 Attachment disorder, Autism, Blog, Clinician related, Missed or Misdiagnosed, PDA0 comments
As many people who have attended the various PDA conferences over the last couple of years may know, we as a team, decided back in 2016 to collate all of the information we collect as part of our assessment process, and analyse what we found. We realised we were in a very fortunate position; we were seeing a large number of children and young people who fitted the PDA profile, and this seemed...Learn More
The need to better understand how autism presents
by Dr Judy Eaton03/01/2020 Anxiety, Autism, Blog, Child and Young Person, Clinician related, Parenting related, PDA, Teaching related0 comments
A new year dawns and it is always a good time to reflect upon the previous year. At Help for Psychology (in common with many other teams) we have seen a huge increase in the number of very complex young people we have been asked to work with, and distressing reports from parents about their struggle to access appropriate and timely services for both children and young adults.Some of the...Learn More
If at first you don’t succeed …
by Dr Judy Eaton19/09/2019 Blog, Child and Young Person, Clinician related, Parenting related, PDA0 comments
The latest article within this series hasn’t been written by Dr Judy Eaton, but instead by Kaylee Weaver, one of our very experienced Higher Assistant Psychologist.
Here, Kaylee shares her experience of the challenges we as a team face week in week out when assessing children with Extreme (also known as Pathological) Demand Avoidance.
Our current thinking on PDA
by Dr Judy Eaton31/07/2019 Anxiety, Blog, Child and Young Person, Clinician related, Parenting related, PDA, Teaching related10 comments
As many people may be aware, there has been a great deal of interest in, and controversy around, PDA. What it is, what it should be called, and whether it actually exists.
As it is now over thirty years since the original concept of PDA was introduced by Elizabeth Newson and her colleagues, and how the thinking around Autism has moved on significantly during this time, it is very...Learn More
Watch this space …
by Dr Judy Eaton02/03/2018 Attachment disorder, Autism, Blog, Clinician related, Parenting related, PDA, Teaching related15 comments
In the course of my clinical work, I meet with many parents who are seeking an explanation for their child’s difficulties. I am also privileged to have been allowed to join a number of closed Facebook groups where parents share their experiences of bringing up children with Autism and PDA. Without exception, these parents have been strong, resilient and determined to achieve the best possible...Learn More
Back to school for children with PDA
by Dr Judy Eaton07/09/2017 Autism, Blog, Child and Young Person, Parenting related, PDA, Teaching related4 comments
It is the beginning of September again and parents all over the country are preparing for the start of the new school year. For some parents though, this is a time of increased stress, or even weary resignation, that once again they will have to face the daily battle of encouraging their child into school. For others, getting their child into school is a distant memory. These are the...Learn More
Autism, anxiety and the impact upon parents
by Dr Judy Eaton11/05/2017 Anxiety, Autism, Blog, Child and Young Person, Parenting related, PDA17 comments
This article is about Autism and anxiety. Research suggests that up to 85% of autistic individuals will suffer from anxiety. An autistic child is twice as likely as a neurotypical (non-autistic) child to experience anxiety. A significant number will suffer from extreme anxiety – to the point that it affects not just their life but their family’s too. Some children are too anxious to attend...Learn More
Missed or delayed Autism and PDA diagnoses
by Dr Judy Eaton30/03/2017 Autism, Blog, Child and Young Person, Clinician related, Missed or Misdiagnosed, Parenting related, PDA, Teaching related4 comments
This article is equally applicable to both boys and girls. In the course of many years of clinical experience I have learned that boys can be just as good as girls at ‘masking’ their difficulties (particularly those who have the Pathological Demand Avoidance profile).
Way back in the early 2000’s I remember when the National Autism Plan for Children (NAPC) guidelines were developed...Learn More