Autism related training videos for GPs and other health professionals
Help for Psychology, an organisation with extensive experience in supporting neurodivergent individuals, played a key role in the creation or Training videos created for GPs and other health professionals address the challenges faced by autistic adults in accessing healthcare. Learn More
Free Psycho-Education Sessions For Parents/Carers with Autistic children and young people
by Help for Psychology12/07/2024 Autism, Blog, Child and Young Person, News, Parenting related0 comments
We’re developing free-of-charge parent/carer sessions for families with autistic children and young people. Join the conversation and share your insights to help us make them as valuable as possible.
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Is your child about to move to secondary school?
As the end of primary school nears, the move to secondary school can be daunting for any child, but especially for autistic children and their parents. Learn More
Why are waiting lists for Autism assessments so long?
There is increasing evidence that waiting times for Autism assessments in the UK are growing. Some areas have simply had to close their waiting lists because they have no realistic way of meeting the current need. So, what is driving this rise in referrals? I have spent some time looking at the current evidence, and will attempt to summarise why this seems to be happening. Learn More
We are helping GPs become more aware of how to support Autistic people
Just over a year ago, I was privileged to be invited to the offices of the wonderful Sunshine Support team to take part in a training video for GP’s, organised by Cathie Long, an Autistic/ADHD social worker, and good friend of mine. This training video was sponsored by Health Education England and was intended to provide advice and guidance to General Practitioners when working with Autistic...Learn More
Noah’s journey
The story of Noah really highlights how, with the right support, autistic young people can flourish, and how self-esteem and confidence can be developed in a way that taps into the positive aspects of being autistic. Learn More
Autism – The tragedy of the missed and misdiagnosed
Blog updated 10th April 2024 The inspiration for this blog article came from three separate directions. First, I have noticed on many Facebook group forums that young girls have not been given a diagnosis because ‘they don’t meet the Part B criteria of the DSM 5’ or that they have never even reached the point of being assessed because they ‘seem too sociable’, display empathy, or make...Learn More
Autism, Personality Disorder: Misdiagnosis and Stigma
Over the past twelve months , I have been writing another book, along with several very helpful contributors who have been kind enough to share their stories with me. Learn More
When parents disagree over the need for an assessment
Parents disagreeing about the need for exploration/identification of Autism in a child or young person, is possibly one of the most frustrating and anxiety provoking situations that diagnosing clinicians face. It is inevitable that parents will have different styles of parenting, often based upon their own experiences and family influences. It is also sadly inevitable that couples do...Learn More