PDA Research News
by Dr Judy Eaton21/11/2020 Attachment disorder, Autism, Blog, Clinician related, Missed or Misdiagnosed, PDA0 comments
As many people who have attended the various PDA conferences over the last couple of years may know, we as a team, decided back in 2016 to collate all of the information we collect as part of our assessment process, and analyse what we found. We realised we were in a very fortunate position; we were seeing a large number of children and young people who fitted the PDA profile, and this seemed...Learn More

Watch this space …
by Dr Judy Eaton02/03/2018 Attachment disorder, Autism, Blog, Clinician related, Parenting related, PDA, Teaching related15 comments
In the course of my clinical work, I meet with many parents who are seeking an explanation for their child’s difficulties. I am also privileged to have been allowed to join a number of closed Facebook groups where parents share their experiences of bringing up children with Autism and PDA. Without exception, these parents have been strong, resilient and determined to achieve the best possible...Learn More