Help for Psychology Therapy
Help for Psychology Therapy
Meet our Therapy Team
Clinical Director & Therapy Supervisor
Kaylee Weaver
Senior Assistant Psychologist and Neurodevelopmental Specialist
Miriam Dutton
Higher Assistant Psychologist and Neurodevelopmental Specialist
Eleanor Lever
Higher Assistant Psychologist and Neurodevelopmental Specialist
Tiggy Whitton
Higher Assistant Psychologist and Neurodevelopmental Specialist
Dr Olivia Fiske
Clinical Psychologist
CBT is a structured therapeutic approach which involves undertaking activities together such as goal setting, problem solving, and trying out new skills and ways of thinking. In-between worksheets will be given to the child/young person such as a ‘thought diary’ and/or exercises that will help them practise the skills learnt within each session and also help them try out new ways of dealing with real life.
Difficulties we can support using ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy’ include:
- Anxiety
- Agoraphobia
- Depression
- Mild Social Anxiety
- Mild Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Panic Discorder
- Specific Phobias
- Sleep disorders
Our CBT based support is provided by our Senior Assistant Psychologists who have undertaken further postgraduate training in Low Intensity Psychological Therapies and are qualified to work as Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners. They have specialist interests in CBT and have extensive experience supporting autistic young people and adult using approaches adapted from CBT principles.
Difficulties we can support using Psychological Support for Low Mood and Anxiety:
- Low Mood
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder
This support is provided by our Assistant Psychologists, under supervision, who have extensive experience supporting autistic young people and who have undertaken further professional development around psychological support for low mood and anxiety.
Book your Therapy session(s) right now!
Why Help for Psychology
Book your Therapy session(s) right now!
Therapy Pricing
An Initial Consultation is recommended as a starting point before therapy commences. This consultation helps the clinician to explore the main difficulty you would like us to support at this time, as well as conducting a risk assessment, and an agreement on the most appropriate psychological therapy (CBT Based Support or Psychological Support for Low Mood and Anxiety).
Initial Consultation
Following your Initial Consultation you can either book individual therapy sessions of CBT Based Support or Psychological Support for Low Mood and Anxiety, or below we explain or block booking options.
1 hour Psychological Support for Low Mood and Anxiety therapy session
1 hour CBT Based Support session
Following your Initial Consultation you may choose to block book CBT Based Support or Psychological Support for Low Mood and Anxiety sessions.
The difference between block therapy and individual therapy is reflected in the pricing of sessions and not in the type of therapy delivered or the content of sessions. It is important to note that if you block book therapy it is not to say that the difficulty you are focusing on in therapy will have improved significantly by the end of the first block (it may be that another block or individual sessions are needed following this).
Book your Therapy session(s) right now!
Frequently Asked Questions
Our team of therapists deliver therapy using different modalities. In Norwich, our Help for Psychology team are able to offer face-to-face therapy at our clinic. For clients in other areas of the UK, our therapists can provide therapy over the Telephone, Google Meet or Zoom.
No. You do not need a GP referral in order to take up private therapy.
I would like to register my interest in receiving therapy for myself or my child. How do I start this process?
Please email your enquiry to [email protected]
Whilst a therapist may recommend a block of therapy following an Initial Consultation in order to work on the goals you identified in your consultation, you are under no obligation to proceed with it.
No. Unfortunately at this time we are only able to provide Therapy between the hours of 9:00 and 16:00.
This is reviewed on a client by client basis, but we are happy to liaise with our colleagues in Education.
We require a minimum of 2 working days notice of any changes to be agreed. Less than 2 working days notice will mean a cancellation charge of 50% of your booking fee paid.
Cancellation on the day of your booking would incur a 100% cancellation charge.
Should Help for Psychology need to cancel your appointment due to unforeseen reasons, then you will receive a 100% refund on the appointment we can’t provide, unless a suitable alternative booking date is supplied and agreed for your sessions.
We are currently booking clients in for Initial Consultations six-eight weeks after they have made an initial enquiry to our therapy enquiries email.
It varies from person to person. Some people find six sessions helpful and others find they are still benefiting from Therapy after several months. We are happy to be flexible and work around each individual client.