I qualified with an MSc in Speech Sciences from University College London in 2004, having previously graduated from Cambridge University (1995) and qualified as a chartered accountant (1998).

I worked in London for 9 years (in the Boroughs of Lambeth and Greenwich) within the NHS, working with a paediatric case load. I worked with both pre-school and school age children with a wide range of linguistic and communicative disorders.
I moved to Norfolk in 2012, when I began working in the independent sector. I also work for, and am a Director of, an independent speech and language therapy practice.
Since moving into the independent sector, I have expanded my areas of clinical knowledge, continuing to work with pre-school and school-age children, and developing my skills working with adolescents with learning difficulties.
In 2018 I decided to develop my skills working as part of a multi-disciplinary team undertaking autism spectrum disorder diagnostic work. I am trained to administer and interpret the findings of both the ADOS (the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) and the DISCO (the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders).
In addition to diagnostic work, I provide assessment and therapy, working with clients on an individual basis, in small groups, through whole class/group work and in joint sessions with other professionals. I run sessions in different locations depending on the client’s needs.
I also undertake training of educational staff and parents / carers.
I work jointly with others involved in the care of a client, including health, education and social care colleagues, when appropriate.
I have an excellent knowledge of assessment and intervention approaches and ensure that all work follows best practice guidelines and is evidence-based. I have attended numerous post-qualification training courses. I deliver a professional high-quality service.
I undertake regular continuing professional development (‘CPD’), including work-based activities (e.g. reflective practice, coaching from colleagues, peer review, case discussions etc.), formal training courses and self-directed learning (e.g. reading research publications).
I fully support the excellent work carried out by my colleagues in the National Health Service and serve as a Non-Executive Director on the Board of Norfolk Community Health & Care NHS Trust (‘NCHC’).
I hold the following professional registrations:
- Member of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists
- Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council
- Member of the Association of Speech & Language Therapists in Independent Practice